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Jose King
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 236

Hot air fryer recipe book - with 250 delicious recipes!!!_______________________________________Find out everything about the popular hot air fryer and how you can conjure up delicious recipes within a few simple steps. You can expect 250 recipes for deep-frying with a wide variety of ingredients. In the meantime, the hot air fryer has become an indispensable part of many kitchens, however, it is not a classic deep fryer. In contrast to conventional deep fryers, you only need a small amount of fat or no fat at all with a hot air fryer. This makes the preparation of the food lower in fat, which in turn is healthier for the body. With a hot air fryer, the food is fried by rotating hot air. In principle, you can use a hot air fryer to prepare all foods that are also suitable for the oven. In terms of taste, however, you can notice a big difference, which means that you can also prepare ...
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4 stars from 24 ratings