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Derek Levine
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 367

Ian O’Reilly is the successor of the High Water ranch, yet he has long ago come to terms with the fact that he is not cut for the ranch life. Even though his family’s expectations and the burden of not letting them down weigh heavily on his shoulders, he cannot help but follow his true calling with every chance possible. When rustlers attack his ranch he is about to lose way more than just his cattle... Seeing no other option, he will take it upon himself to right the injustice and avenge his family. Will he find the courage to keep him going when he realizes that there’s even more at stake, including the fate of the woman he deeply cares about?In the midst of all the chaos and angst, Ian meets Tara Gallagher. Her family had one of the most popular stores in town but since the loss of her father, she’s been living a lonely life under the watchful eye of her mother. Although their ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 283 ratings