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Joshua King
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 105

We all want to live the dream life. We want to be at home, with our family, and also be rich. But can we achieve this life, or is it impossible? Oh, it is very possible, with the proper education and work ethic.I am about eight months into my career as a blogger and about three months into my career as a book writer. When I wake up and see that someone has purchased my books, it is truly a fantastic feeling.How did I get here? I read a lot of books, and then I took action. I started somewhere, even though my work sucked. I just try to keep improving. And I am here to tell you that you can do the same. There is nothing special about me, maybe except discipline.In 20 Creative Ways, I describe professions you can enter from home. But, they are just that, professions. There is no fast, easy money here. You can go to YouTube for that sort of rhetoric. All I can offer you is information ...
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