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Justin Sloan, P.T. Hylton
ASIN: B093F7L36Q
Publisher: Elder Tree Press
Pages: 356

In a post-apocalyptic Chicago ruled by warlords, a young woman named Elena must stay one-step ahead of the violently shifting political landscape to protect her family and save her city.For years Elena searched for a way back into the walls of Wicker City. She was forced into exile when her parents were killed and the blame put on her. When she works her way back in, she discovers that nothing is as it seems and that the warlords are fighting for a mysterious power with the potential to upend everything.As she finds her true allies and enemies, she's forced to choose between keeping her humanity or seeking justice.The warlord who holds Wicker City holds the power. But when the source of power is a mystery, those in charge have to stay alert at every turn.Blending the ruthless political maneuvering of Six of Crows with the survival horror of The Last of US, Wicker City paints a picture ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 12 ratings