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Publisher: unknown
Pages: 116

The Hidden, Dirty Secret of Trauma and Abuse!!!Do you feel trapped? Overwhelmed?Do you understand, deep down inside, that you deserve better, but you just can’t seem to walk away from your abusive partner who has turned your world into one of chaos, pain, and fear?Then you likely have formed a traumatic bond with the person holding you hostage in a toxic relationship.A traumatic bond is a physiological hold that your abuser has created. This bond, built by your normal reactions to the highs and lows of your abusive relationship, affects your self-esteem, your confidence, and your very identity. This bond makes it extremely difficult for you to escape the trauma that haunts you.Are those invisible strings keeping you from living a happy, healthy life? To help you understand the traumatic bond that has been formed between you and your abuser, TRAUMA BONDING, tells you the signs of the ...
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5 stars from 108 ratings