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K.M. Harding
ASIN: B09411BW2W
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 381

Some memories we long to forget. But some are worth dying to remember.Hiding behind her wit and using music to escape the memories of her violent and abusive past, Dani is alive but not living. And between the nightmares and scars that lie underneath, the last thing Dani wants is romance. Or is it?Gorgeous, intuitive, musical, Damien changes everything. The attraction is undeniable, and when a string of unfortunate incidents bring them closer, Damien’s patience and understanding awaken a longing for something Dani believed unattainable – a future.But when past and present collide, Dani’s fears are pushed to the limit, and with the future hanging in the balance, is love enough to save Dani?Trigger Warning: Contains references to/scenes of violence, abuse and suicide.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 31 ratings