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Jaida Ellison
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 219

Are you looking for a way to lose weight that allows you to also have health benefits without resorting to supplements and restrictive diets?Would you like to feel energetic, reduce the risk of serious diseasesandpromote longevity by stimulating yourbody's natural processes?Then you've come to the right place!Nowadays most of us don't pay much attention to how we treat our bodies and when and how we eat, we are so caught up in this hectic life. Every meal we eat, every drink we have, the efforts and rest we have affect our internal mechanisms. We should not be surprised then if our bodies become easy targets of obesity and other serious diseases and, above all, if we do not manage to enjoy a long healthy life, to our fullest potential.Health is largely determined by what happens within the body at the microscopic level. Every day, our cells undergo a natural cleansing process called ...
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4.5 stars from 20 ratings