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Keven England, Andreas Schlattmann
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 88

You also belong to the group of those who are plagued by pain more or less frequently? Headaches, back pain, pain in the shoulder, arm, hip or knee joints? Perhaps you have recently had surgery because the pain in your hip or knee joint has become too much, and you would like to regain your old mobility. Perhaps you don't have any of these enumerated pains (yet), but you are very interested in your own health and would like to take preventive measures to ensure that such problems do not arise in the first place.One possible cause for the listed pains is our sedentary leisure and work behavior. Many of us sit from morning to night either in the car, on the office chair or on the couch in front of the television. Various jobs can be quite movement-intensive, for example waitresses or assembly line workers, but these activities often lead to one-sided stress and muscular imbalances. This ...
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