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A.K. Smith
Publisher: Books With Soul Press
Pages: 258

This tense tale will keep readers on edge until its surprising finale. - Kirkus ReviewsPre-order special pricing of $0.99"A gripping suspense novel with unexpected twists.""Teen fans of Gone Girl will enjoy this smart dark and unpredictable novel.""Natasha Preston and Karen M. McManus readers will enjoy." ♥SHE THOUGHT FAKING HER DEATH WAS THE ANSWER TO A NEW DESTINYSHE WAS WRONGPLAYING DEAD ISN'T EASYSunday Foster had THE PLAN. Make it through the rest of high school, graduate and THE PLAN will begin. Only, fate chose a different path; one decision, one second changed everything,THE PLAN is ruined.And then a new idea emerges.What if you could escape your life? Change your name, where you live, and escape all the bad stuff that keeps happening.Sunday decides in order to change her destiny she must fake her death and start a new life. Pseudocide not suicide. Sunday has secrets, but she's ...
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