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D G Palmer
ASIN: B0957X8P7J
Publisher: Destiny Books
Pages: 382

Years ago they found an artefact, rumoured to be a gift from the gods. Now it has vanished from the British Museum…into the wrong hands.London. Natasha Travers feels her world falling apart. Stuck working with her soon to be ex husband, Lucas Redmond, the brilliant archaeologist is alarmed when a priceless gemstone they recovered six years before goes missing. And the stubborn treasure hunter suspects a setup when her estranged husband is accused of the crime.Battling her confusing feelings for the unfaithful man she still loves, Natasha’s heart sinks further at an ultimatum from a notorious terrorist: deliver the stone to him, or he’ll murder her parents. But with only thirty-six hours to produce the goods, the determined duo of Travers and Redmond, struggle to decipher the cryptic clues that could save her loved ones from a horrible fate.Can they prove Lucas’s innocence, free ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 247 ratings