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Jennifer Skully, Jasmine Haynes
Publisher: Redwood Valley Publishing, LLC
Pages: 324

A deathbed promise could open the door to a promise of love.When Julia Bellerman loses her husband to cancer, she’s cast adrift. For ten years, her whole life has been about caring for him. Now, before she can move on with her life, she must fulfill her husband’s deathbed wish to scatter his ashes in Provence. And to let Ryder Wilding go with her.Ryder, her husband’s best friend. And the man she fell in love with a lifetime ago.Ryder’s first mistake was walking away from Julia. His second mistake was marrying the wrong woman—a marriage that ended in a nasty divorce. He’s spent all the years since wrestling with the guilt of loving his best friend’s wife. Now Ryder must take Julia to Provence to scatter her husband’s ashes. He thought losing his best friend was painful, but keeping his hands off Julia will be the hardest thing he’s ever done.Can love overcome grief and guilt to give them ...
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