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Frank Ramirez
ASIN: B096W66B7P
Publisher: unknown
Pages: N/A

Barbecue book for men & familiesThe BBQ Bible with the 110 best BBQ recipesYou don't always want to prepare the same thing on the grill and are looking for it varied new delicious recipes to try out.Are you a grill fan and want to grill together with your family and friends at the weekend?Are you looking for new recipe ideas for the next barbecue or barbecue party?Would you like to know which types of cheese are particularly suitable for barbecues?Would you like to have a barbecue in the garden spontaneously on weekends and enjoy delicious meals?Therefore, this barbecue book is just right for you!In this book, you will learn more than 110 varied recipes that will delight your grill guests.This book is for beginner as well as grill masters. The recipes can be prepared quickly at home and are suitable for charcoal, gas and electric grills.What you will learn in this book:★ Numerous ...
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5 stars from 1 rating