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Richelle T.
ASIN: B09727N3CM
Publisher: Richelle T.
Pages: 220

Rene, is a loving housewife that will do anything for her family. She's married to Samuel, a retired General from the U.S. Army and from the outside looking in they seem to have it all together. Even though she should feel like the only woman in the world that has her husband's attention, she suspects he's into someone else.Elizabeth, the next-door neighbor is obsessed with Samuel and for good reason. Rene knows something is going on because Samuel has an attraction to white women, but she's having a hard time proving it. Not only has his unfaithful past resurfaced,but she feels he's hiding more than just a steamy affair. On the other hand, Elizabeth will do anything to get her claws into Samuel no matter the circumstances.Rene, finds herself in for the fight of her life to save her marriage. Will she win the battle and get rid of Elizabeth before it's too late?Or, will she end up ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 34 ratings