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Marcus James
ASIN: B097756BNC
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 204

Meet George and Jules, librarians and friends, English and American; separated by the Atlantic Ocean, united by their love of Jane Austen’s novels.A mysterious invitation arrives in a vintage copy of Persuasion. “Come and meet Captain Wentworth!”Saturday midnight at the library, the adventures begin. First, Persuasion: meet Anne Elliot and the Captain on a windswept beach in Lyme Regis; try to solve the clues. The prize? A meeting with Elinor and Marianne.George is much happier in the virtual world, more comfortable in the past of Regency England than in the present day. In the real world, his marriage has run into trouble and the old Whirligig Lane library is under threat.Jules brings her smart enthusiasm and can-do attitude to the party. Together they make a formidable team.Can George and Jules advance through the scenes in Jane Austen’s novels and finally meet Elizabeth and Darcy? ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 18 ratings