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Publisher: Monreaux Publications
Pages: N/A

As wards of the state of Illinois, Judas and Messiah grew up wanting more. While one decided to change his life for the better, the other fell victim to his environment and circumstances. However, the plans put into place go all wrong.Messiah wanted something different from the way he grew up. He worked hard to stay on the straight and narrow path, but it wasn’t always easy. Becoming a pillar of his community, Messiah often intervened in gang violence and was a part of the solution. He took comfort knowing his good deeds would be rewarded one day. Never in a million years did he imagine his demise would come at the hands of the one person who was like a brother during the dark years.Judas had one goal in life: to have more money than he could ever count. An encounter with the woman of his dreams gives him just the chance he was looking for. When Judas betrays his best friend, the house ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 10 ratings