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J. B. Cantwell
ASIN: B097F9J3T6
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 142

A young boy. A father full of hatred. A book of great power.How does one turn evil?Before the wicked sorcerer, Torin, became a monster, he was a child, too. As a boy, he wanted nothing more than to share in the magical abilities that everyone in his family had but him.But his terrible father, the arrogant lead sorcerer in the Veiled Kingdom, abused young Torin for years. Every night resulted in violence, and every night Torin became more focused on one thing only: revenge.Then, he met a strange man carrying an even stranger book. His life was about to change in ways he never could have imagined.His opportunity for revenge had finally come.A harrowing tale of death and love intertwined.
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 13 ratings