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John Kavanaugh
ASIN: B097KYR612
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 219

We are all shaped by the trials and tribulations we go through in life. They at times make us stronger but can also affect us in a negative way. In this story, you are taken to a land called Alexandria which is made up of the 4 Kingdoms. Each kingdom represents a specific attribute that coincides with the people living there. The 4 Kingdoms include: North (Brawn), South (Healers), East (Brain), and West (Beauty). Each kingdom has their own way of doing things. Different professions in each kingdom. But together make up a powerful force to be reckon with.This story follows four main characters throughout the book and each chapter is told from one off their perspectives. They are all fourteen and early on in the book learn which kingdom has chosen them. Each child grows up in the kingdom their parent or parents were selected to up until the last day of the year that they turn fourteen. At ...
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5 stars from 13 ratings