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From humanity's last stand against cosmic extinction to an empire's brutal hunt for a singular warrior, this epic collection delivers over one million words of pulse-pounding military science fiction action. --- THE GREAT INSURRECTION: THE COMPLETE SAGA (9 NOVELS) His orders were clear: kill the rebels. His conscience said otherwise. Once, Alistair Kane was the Commonwealth's d...
A warrior questing for glory… A slave-girl with a secret… Can they claim the ancient altar? Trained to the warrior’s path, Rosteval yearns for glory and craves adventure in unknown lands. Leading the war-band he created, he sets off on a quest to brave a formidable desert and the swords and arrows of a growing number of enemy tribes. He expected the mounting dangers… but he did...
100000 Greek murder/mystery books sold by the 'Greek James Patterson''Christodoulou doesn't pull his punches' - Publishers Weekly'Best Greek Mystery of 2021'The small picturesque town of Parga is a paradise with turquoise waters and friendly welcoming locals. The discovery of a naked young girl's body on the town's landmark will unleash hidden secrets that threaten to turn the seaside village into a hellish nightmare. Join the investigating duo of Police Captain Arianna Kontou and Lieutenant Adrian Metsoviti on a journey of suspense and mystery as the thrilling case unravels.
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4.5 stars from 102 ratings
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