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JA Huss
ASIN: B097QD7H86
Publisher: Science Future Press
Pages: 247

My name is Vicious. God-given name, I cross my heart.And it fits.I’m a hot-as-f, inked-up tattoo artist at the trendiest shop in the Rocky Mountains.I have the looks, I have the bike, I have the reputation.That means I get the ladies.Sure. There are lots of women out there who hate tattoos. Wouldn’t be caught dead with guys like me. And that’s fine. I’m not looking for girls like that.I’m looking for that other kind of girl.The wild one, the bad one, the crazy one.Funny thing is… the one I fell for isn’t that girl.She’s the Good Girl.And maybe back when she was nineteen I came off as a ‘maybe’, but after seven years of distance I am now the definition of ‘not a keeper’.But I can be a keeper.I can make the good girl swoon.I can be the dream guy she never saw coming.If she would just… not press charges… I’m pretty sure I can turn this whole relationship around.Vic Vaughn is Vicious is a ...
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