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Rebecca L Robson
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 126

How many times have you promised yourself that this is the last time you are ever going to binge on food? If binge eating controls your life, if you think about food obsessively, and if this is your last-ditch attempt to solve the problem, this is the book for you. Binge eating might be your deepest, darkest secret, but you aren’t alone. Rebecca L Robson was a secret binge eater for 27 years. She tried hundreds of therapies, diets, and treatments to break the crippling binge eating cycle. But no matter how hard Rebecca tried, nothing seemed to stick for longer than a few weeks or months before she was back to square one. Despondent, Rebecca felt she was facing a future where this constant obsession about food ruled every aspect of her life. Determined to find another path, Rebecca delved deep into the science behind food, addiction, and binge eating disorder. She uncovered the root ...
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