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Sebastian Blunt
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 293

"Intriguing. Riveting. A storyline and characters that hold you spellbound. Simply fantastic and leaves you longing for the next one in the series. Time to make room for Sebastian Blunt, he's your new best friend!" —September 16, 2021 Amazon ReviewMike Casper, the orphaned son of a New York City cop, is in trouble. The police and a drug kingpin want him dead. Now, after witnessing murders on two continents, he's running for his life. But things just got worse because an insane serial killer is determined to make him suffer. Casper has only a few weapons at his disposal—his guts, his brains, and a random stranger who has her own reasons for helping him.Join Mike as he tracks down a psychotic killer who has no sympathy, no remorse, and is determined to eliminate anyone who gets in her way. There can be only one survivor in this conflict, and the collateral damage will be severe. From New ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 6 ratings