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John Anders Erickson
Publisher: Bay Beat Media
Pages: 97

Graduating from high school is daunting, maybe never more than in 1968. Newly 18, facing the draft, his future, and his own shortcomings, John Anders Erickson explores his options in the most common outlet available to a young man his age; the college admissions personal essay.Frank, funny, venial, vulgar, and vulnerable, John Anders lays out his family's complicated past in the hope of gaining college acceptance and an all-important educational deferment. Vikings on one side and a touch of piracy on the other, the family business of "ocean-based violence" has left him with a rich history but little paternal guidance. The immigrant son of a widowed American-born mother, John Anders has an outsider's perspective and a young man's experience, leaving him a lot to figure out.
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