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Rocki D.~
ASIN: B09879DZH3
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 119

"You can let me down easy, you know.""Huh?" he stated, "What are you talking about?"This is the part where you tell me you regret what happened between us. That you never want it to happen again. Where you can't believe you let it hap..."He crossed to me fast and kissed me hard. After coming up for air he sat me down in the chair, bent and looked me in the eye."Shut up a minute," he breathed. *~~~~*.Rayna meets a man she finds attractive, but he's so much younger than her. Can she get past her insecurities to open up to him?Brandon, on first sight, finds a woman he cannot get off his mind. Does he approach her, or continue to drive himself crazy?
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 43 ratings