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Archer Blackwood
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 62

★ A band of Apaches that refuse to surrender and the brave Sheriff determined to stop them... ★Early 20th century New Mexico; ★ Sheriff Carlos Quintana, a tough, no-nonsense man stands resolute against the actions of a group of Apaches doing the unforgivable.Killing settlers and taking their children captive!Forming a posse, Quintana will stop at nothing to rescue the stolen youths... Even if it costs him his own life. The old west is merciless and no place for mistakes.Walking into the Apaches mountain stronghold to rescue the youngsters might be a trap.★ Can one Sheriff and his posse save the day?★ And what happens when the truth of the Apache leader's history comes out?
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 8 ratings