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Ronny Emerson
ASIN: B0995Y95GZ
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 75

Missing out on something after having dinner? Probably yes! The Dessert. You can put an end to their everyday craving with the help of “Anne of Green Gables devouring tempting no-bake desserts”.Your tiring and hectic day should end with a delicious and refreshing sweet course. This ultra-easy book is specially designed to make refined and yummy desserts without panicking. With just a few steps, one will be able to avoid all the mistakes that Anne made while cooking an inedible cake. Cooking these super yummy desserts with just a few ingredients is not less than a dream coming true. You don’t need to be a good chef, just follow the instructions like Anne used to do to oblige Marilla. Simultaneous to Anne’s life, everyone wants to feel the pleasures of life. This cookbook will bring all the mouthwatering flavors which she would have thought of in her imaginary world.The need for ...
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3 stars from 2 ratings