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V Moua
Publisher: unknown
Pages: N/A

Sammy notices that a light bulb on the ceiling is not working. He attempts to replace the light bulb but this little bird is having difficulties with the task. Will Sammy be successful or will he need help? This book will answer the age-old question of how many birds does it take to change a light bulb!About the Sammy Bird SeriesThis is a picture book series about a quirky bird named Sammy and his amusing misadventures. Sammy is a little red bird with a BIG personality. The books in this series are light-hearted and engaging. They are interactive stories where Sammy engages in fun and silly conversations with the reader. There are over 100 books in the series and counting!From the AuthorI like to think of myself as a storyteller who brings families together through the medium of picture books. Whether it is between a parent or child or a grandparent and child. These stories are intended ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 74 ratings