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Mirette N Hanna
Publisher: unknown
Pages: N/A

“A Sibling, A Friend for Life” isn’t only a heartwarming story, but also a parenting tool that promotes siblings' bonding.A sweet story that prepares the firstborn “Gio” for having a baby sister “Zita”.Perfect for children age 2 to 8, however, it is valuable for all ages - adults too.The sweet story helps prepare both, the firstborn and the parents/caregivers, to adjust smoothly and embrace the changes that happens when a new member joins the family in a loving healthy way. It is highlighting the ups of having a sibling, and navigates through the bumps that might face the family in a humorous way & shows how Gio & his family handled it.The book is a conversation opener! It encourages the children to express their feelings & thoughts to their parents/caregivers. It also gives the parents/caregivers the opportunity to understand the firstborn's perspective and explain anything that needs ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 50 ratings