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E.M. Shue, KL Donn
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services (August 9, 2022)
Pages: 112

From Award-Winning Author E.M. Shue comes another Dark Mafia Romance written in USA Today Bestselling Author KL Donn’s Mafia Made Series. His Rebel is book 5 in the Mafia Made Series.Dante was born mafia. But won’t live it. Until McKenna.Dante Lupo walked away from the mafia before it could take over his life just as it did other members of his family. As a contract killer he’s still deadly, but that all changes when he has one day with McKenna.He’ll kill to protect her.McKenna Johansen wakes up with no memories and on the verge of wanting to fight everyone around her, except the man standing over her saying she is his. Saying they will marry. But before she ties the knot, she needs to uncover her elusive past. She needs to know who she is.She’ll rebel against him.When a rival family sets its sights on ending McKenna’s bloodline, Dante will rejoin the family and utilize its protection ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 60 ratings