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Gwenda Smith
Publisher: unknown
Pages: N/A

☆ 7 recipe categories - 125 tried and tested recipesby experts - with taste and "success" guarantee!☆ + BONUS: 9 superfood smoothies! Especially for the needs of diabetics☆ What the pharmaceutical industry and many doctors cannot do for you reveal about diabetes!☆ The diabetes Logi diet: suitable for everyone use,filling& tasty everyday.☆Berberine: an ignored wonder drug!☆ "GAME-Changer" dietary supplement: Whythey are especially important for diabetics!☆ Cooking recipes suitable for type 1, type 2 and diabetes.  Gestational diabetes☆ It is possible to have type 2 diabetes     To have a very positive influence on the disease - with youriitiative! __________________________________________________Medical Guide & Recipes Book:On 176 pages you will find out the latest nutritional physiology findings on diabetes. What is medical knowledge? Are long outdated what natural methods are there to ...
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