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Ronda K. Salazar
Publisher: CZYK Publishing
Pages: 88

Do you have a friend or loved one who has breast cancer, and you are unsure of the best way to support them? Are you aware of the risk factors associated with developing breast cancer? If you knew of specific changes you could make today that would reduce the risk of breast cancer, would you put plans in place to make those changes? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you.50 Things To Know About Breast Cancer by Ronda K. Salazar offers an approach to discovering everything you need to know about breast cancer so you can be more proactive about your health or the health of a friend or loved one. Most books on breast cancer tell you all about the symptoms and what to expect during treatment. Although there's nothing wrong with that, they don't always provide good information on breast cancer awareness and early detection so you can potentially avoid ...
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