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Lesley Krueger
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 281

Jack Hall is the star of a hit TV series filmed in Los Angeles. But his growing fame isn't enough, and Jack decides to chuck it all to work for a human rights group headed by his sister, Peggy. The group's work is based in Central America, and Peggy sends her brother to Mexico City to learn Spanish. She asks for help from journalist Hugh Bruce, a long-time Latin America hand. But when Jack arrives, both he and Hugh get far more than they bargained for—and far less than they want.Settling temporarily in the capital, Jack quickly meets Hugh's assistant, Maru Campagna. Maru's family has been shattered by the death of her father, and she's trying to reinvent herself in ways her mother and uncle disapprove. When she falls into a relationship with Jack, Maru's family schemes for a quick marriage to a foreigner. But Maru isn't sure, and Jack has no intention of getting married. He's off to ...
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