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Desiree Holt, Brotherhood Protectors World
Publisher: Twisted Page Press, LLC
Pages: 228

Being unceremoniously discharged from 10th Special Forces due to internal politics, five members of Team Trojan needed to find a use for their specialized skills. They were fighting men, trained to protect, guard, extract and rescue. Sitting around being bitter about it only made things worse but what the hell was out there for them? An invitation to join the Colorado division of Brotherhood Protectors gave them an unexpected opportunity to show the world what they could continue to do.For Bodie Jackson, leader of Team Trojan, who only knew a life of service in the military, the invitation was a lifeline. As he listened to the founder of Brotherhood Protectors, former SEAL Hank Patterson, he realized the military may have done him a favor. He now had a place where he could still use his knowledge and skills to serve others and keep his team intact. The one thing he didn’t have, and at ...
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4.5 stars from 1,543 ratings