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Aria Norton
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 1584

Three of my best-selling Regency romance stories! Delightful romances full of emotion, drama, action, plot twists, and of course, love! Saved by The Duke's EmbraceLeaving her home to escape an unwanted marriage, Scottish lass Bryana Campbell-Sinclair finds shelter as a chaperone for an unwelcoming duke's sister. The Duke of Clement though is immediately suspicious of her captivating appearance. However, the passage of time makes the distinction between servant and master blurry, and he finds himself doubting his own judgement. While the life Bryana left behind finally catches up with her, Gordon finds himself torn between the traditional world he grew up in and the enlightened one he discovered through love. Do they have the power to withstand every threat of prejudice and repression around them? Loving a Forsaken EarlFollowing the death of their father, Miss Abigail Staton travels to ...
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