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Dawna Raver
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 289

She has the face he can’t place, and he’s the man she’s crushed on for years….Ex-Taekwondo fighter Zach Drake has a problem: a nasty head injury has left him with a gap in his memory, and night after night, a dark-haired beauty haunts his dreams. Imagine Zach’s surprise when this same woman applies to his Taekwondo Academy summer program.Everleigh Baze is overwhelmed by her life, and leaving her problems behind to study martial arts for a summer is the break she needs. It won’t be easy to ignore her attraction to Zach, but keeping her distance isn’t an option either. Hopefully, his memories of her and what she cost him will remain lost forever.As the summer progresses, the lies and secrets surrounding them take their toll, and outside forces would love to see them fail.Can Zach and Everleigh avoid a knockout punch that could end them forever, or will they fight for the happiness they ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 88 ratings