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PD. Morgan
ASIN: B09FZ47X42
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 110

Sure, the Hogwarts Express may be a magical train that leaves from platform 9 1/4, but that doesn’t mean you’ll arrive at Hogwarts in seconds like a Japanese bullet train. To be honest, we’re not sure if it can’t or if Dumbledore just prefers for his students to appreciate the landscapes on their way to Hogwarts - but either is fine by us because that means there’s more time to splurge and feast on the food cart meals and treats served during the ride!With The Hogwarts Express: Meals Straight from the Food-Cart, you’ll find and make some amazing magical recipes fit for half-bloods, witches, and wizards on their way to Hogwarts for the school year. Harry and his friends may have started as eleven years old who were primarily drawn to the train’s candies and desserts, but as they got older, they also got much hungrier. That meant they started exploring The Hogwarts Express’ full menu: ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 74 ratings