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J.W. Swartz
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 187

Matilda Shriner spent years fading into the background of marriage and motherhood. She’s more than ready to shed her old identity—the one who suffocated under the crushing weight of tragic loss and then divorce—and rediscover the real Matilda. Especially when she shares a sizzling glance with a stranger the very first night her friends talk her into being social. When that same stranger rescues her from an attack hours later, her quest to find herself takes on new meaning. Because he knows way more about her than he should… Feather Conrad has been watching Matilda from afar for a long time. From the shadows, he saw her endure the worst a parent can face, her resilience in the aftermath of heartbreak, and her determination to follow her own dreams. Through it all, he fell a little bit in love. Now, thanks to some not-so-coincidental timing, his skills as a private investigator and ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 29 ratings