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Alyssa Helton, Keith Helton
Publisher: Pineapple Publishing
Pages: 94

Halloween ruined?! Not if our girl can help it. A pickpocket is wrecking local charity events and Charlotte gets fed up with her friends and family being targets. So naturally she decides to launch her own investigation. As if that weren’t enough to deal with, Cole has a date to their boss’ costume party with...someone else?! This much excitement calls for lots of extra coffee, and this time of year calls for pumpkin spice! Grab your favorite cup of caffeinated delight (or decaf if you must) and join this amateur sleuth as she attempts to calm the chaos and catch the crook without getting in over her head in the process. Longsuffering Sergeant Atwood of the local police station has his doubts.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 28 ratings