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Publisher: unknown
Pages: 325

With a focus on sustainability and personal environmental stewardship, Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is has been called an original ESG Investing book. First written in 2006, the central themes of the book – that we must align our investments, as well as our consumer spending, toward sustainable companies – has always been important to author Natalie Pace, and has proven to be vital to humanity today.Last-century myths, such as you should “make money” first, and then do good with the profits, are debunked, alongside the idea that investing green won’t earn you money. The strategies featured in Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is earned Natalie Pace the ranking of No. 1 stock picker above over 835 A-list pundits (by the independent tracking service Greening your portfolio can be profitable, when you adhere to the time-proven tips outlined in Put Your Money Where Your ...
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 44 ratings