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Jenifer Loweth
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 234

An old treasure map sends Sheldon and Alice on an adventure to the Yorkshire coast to find the hoard of riches stolen in a shipwreck by her pirate ancestor Ezekial Farrell.But why are they met with such hostility when they ask the locals about The Red Horse and the cave where the plundered riches are hidden? And how far will their enemies go to stop them finding out the truth?And as Alice is intrigued by a dark-eyed rider galloping on the shore the black cat must risk getting her whiskers wet to help everyone in peril from the sea.The Secret of Red Horse Cove is the fifth in the Sheldon & Splash adventure series following on from Broken Flight, Faster than Witches, The Devil’s Arrow and The Cat & the Cottager’s Bones.
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