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Hannah Lynn
Publisher: (October 13, 2021)
Pages: 1730

WARNING: You will fall in love with this family.Welcome to your new favourite family saga. Perfect for readers who are looking to lose themselves in the comedy of real life. This super value collection brings together all six full-length novels, along with two BONUS short stories set in the Peas and Carrots world. Full of laughter and tears, it has something for everyone.Follow the adventures and mishaps of Eric Sibley and his family in this charmingly poignant and hilarious series that sees him tackle the ups and downs of adult life. Full of quirky characters and crazy mishaps, you will not be disappointed with award winning author Hannah Lynn's delightful series."The Peas and Carrots series is one of those rare breed of books which is both uplifting, yet emotional. It was the perfect antidote when I felt really blue. I'd highly recommend these books."“I absolutely loved these books! ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 701 ratings