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Zoe York
Publisher: ZoYo Press
Pages: 188

A classic holiday meet cute, except one of them is naked...for art! And therefore off-limits.Navy SEAL Ben Simmons' return from an overseas tour hasn't gone exactly to plan. He surprises even himself by agreeing to be a model in a life-drawing art class, because the alternative is a lonely, boring holiday break.For high school teacher Chelsea Doyle, who is spending Christmas alone for the first time in her life, the art class she's signed up for should be a highlight. She isn't prepared for the off-limits model to be drop-dead gorgeous, or to discover the next day that he's her brand-new next door neighbor.Too bad she's signed a waiver to treat him with nothing but professional distance. No kissing, flirting, or anything else his sexy smile suggests.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 421 ratings