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Matthew Goods
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 107

Ribs are the perfect dish to enjoy with family and friends, whether entertaining or preparing a family meal. What's more, ribs are guaranteed to impress whether you are celebrating a special occasion, feeling fancy, or feeding a hungry crowd.If you have a sudden craving for sweet, spicy, or sticky finger-lickin' ribs, choose from 40 ways to prepare rib n rack recipes, including:Baby Back Ribs with Blackcurrant Barbecue SauceBaked Lamb Ribs with Yogurt and Feta SauceBaked Spare Ribs with Apple Celery StuffingBraised Lamb Ribs with Dried Apricots Cola Chicken RibsCountry-Style Chili Lime RibsGarlic Brown Sugar Lamb RibsGinger Ale Pork Ribs with Pear and FennelHappy Halloween Ribs' n Little Smoked SausagesSlow Cooker BBQ Ranch Country-Style RibsIf you want to rack up the compliments, then our 40 ways to prepare ribs' n rack recipes are the way to go!
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5 stars from 1 rating