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Paul Bellow, LitRPG Adventures
Publisher: LitRPG Adventures
Pages: 84

Dungeon Maps Described #3A man named John Flint has discovered an ancient city in the forest near his home. He will pay the party to retrieve several artifacts.Flint is a farmer who lives about a day’s ride from the city. He is a good man but has been touched by madness. In his home is a book that tells of an ancient city which was built by a race of Gold Dragons.It also mentions the ruins of a city being built over the ancient one. Flint will not be able to teleport to the ancient city but will provide a small orb that will allow the players to access a part of the ancient city.Once there, the players will face a variety of dangers including a green golem, a horde of goblins, and a powerful mage named Berlock.The ancient city is a maze of rooms and passageways. There is a room with a pool of water that is used to teleport back to the player's realm, but it is always heavily guarded.Oh ...
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