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Riley Z. Shields
Publisher: (November 6, 2021)
Pages: 184

Jeff Holmes arrives for the audition of The Other Me, a strange movie about the meeting of two versions of the same man from parallel universes.To obtain the role, Jeff needs not only to act well but must find a partner from among the seven other contestants.Should he ask the popular, but arrogant Andy;the experienced and muscular Brandon;the handsome, but distracted Cayden;the enigmatic and logical Desmond;the approachable, but manipulative Gerald;the intelligent and playful Hans;Or the irritating and insecure Lawrence? Finding an ally is enough for Jeff to worry about.But things are about to get a lot worse as the other actors start to die, one after another.Being the least popular actor with the lowest chance of getting the role, Jeff becomes the prime suspect.Will Jeff be able to prove his innocence?Will he get the role?And most importantly, will he be able to find his other me?** ...
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 32 ratings