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Eric Suddoth
Publisher: Rising Smoke Publishing
Pages: 132

The hymns of Christmas are more than a melody sung with a grin and rosy cheeks. They are more than cliched lines sometimes written on greeting cards and recited with nostalgia. They go deeper than merely proclaiming the birth of the Messiah to a lost world. They tell a story that calls not just shepherds and wise men to seek Him, but beckons everyone to come and adore the Savior of the world.Unwrap is a collection of 24 lines from some of the most beloved Christmas hymns through the ages. Lyrics that may have been overlooked or are even unfamiliar, yet are beautiful tellings of God's grace and love.So turn on the Christmas tree lights, get a cup of hot chocolate, and tune out the rest of the world. Rediscover the beauty tucked within these treasured hymns, and hear them with a new perspective this Christmas.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 4 ratings