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Justin Farley
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 29

Return to nature. Be transported into the great outdoors in this poetry collection by celebrated poet Justin Farley.Experience the wonder and beauty of the natural world in deep verses that remind us what we've lost in the hectic schedules of modern life.Discover the healing that nature offers our minds, hearts, and souls.Starting in his early childhood, the woods have been a teacher and source of peace, adventure, and love for Farley. "Nature's Bounty" is the accumulation of a lifetime of wisdom gained from exploring the wilderness and observing the lessons nature teaches us.A great gift book for nature lovers.Sure to touch the hearts of hikers, bird watchers, gardeners, campers, naturalists, animal lovers, and all who hold rivers, lakes, mountains, trees, flowers, and animals with high regard.This nature poetry collection contains poems on subjects such as:birdsanimalsthe spiritual ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 45 ratings