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Paul Bellow
Publisher: LitRPG Adventures
Pages: 104

Dungeon Maps Described!Players can be directed to the Olde Castaway Inn by the innkeeper of the Sea’s Bounty, Righteous Jack. The Castaway Inn is found deep in a forest and a favorite hangout of a group of magic users who were studying a magical portal.A group of orcs attacked the inn and slaughtered everyone. Now, an old man named Eric lives there. When players first meet Eric, he will be a nice old man who is a bit senile.However, as players investigate, they will discover that Eric is a powerful wizard who is continuing the research of the dead mages in the basement.This book contains a map with all the main areas described by me and my AI friend. There's also a list of NPCs that you can use, random encounter tables, and more.Click Look Inside to see everything you'll get.
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5 stars from 1 rating