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Amy Anguish
ASIN: B09LR75R68
Publisher: Scrivenings Press LLC
Pages: 258

Can love secure Adrian’s wandering heart?Roots are overrated, at least to someone like Adrian Stewart, preacher’s kid, who has never lived anywhere longer than six years. That’s why her job with MidUSLogIn Inc., is so perfect for her—lots of travel, and staying nowhere long enough to have it feel like home. But when work takes her to Memphis, closer to her family for the first time in years and in the same small office as Grayson Roberts, she starts to question her job, her lack of home, and even her memories of her rocky past with the church.Gray is intrigued by Adrian from the moment he sees her, and he’s determined to get to the bottom of why this girl, who loves old movies and hums when she works, won’t go to church with him. As they grow closer, he wants more too, but how can he convince her to stay in Memphis when she doesn’t believe in home—or God? Can he use his own broken past ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 14 ratings