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Tatumn Dixon
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 63

Leah Mason is experiencing a mid-life crisis that has her longing to sexually explore everything and everyone. Married to her high-school sweetheart for over thirty years, Leah craves more than the missionary position and blow jobs that go down in her marital bed. Upon hearing his wife’s fantasy, Leah’s hubby, Evan, enthusiastically agrees to delve into explicit, steamy adventures which lead them to the spiciest yacht at sea—the Euphoria.Onboard, Leah and Evan meet the red-hot throuple Haleigh, Brock, and Kendra, along with a sexy single guy named Theo. Mix in the filthy-minded, erotic crew of the Euphoria, and this weekend at sea just got a whole lot naughtier!Saucy Sneak Peek: Pierced Privates, Coffee-Tea-Or Threesome, Captain Voyeur, Three Swords and a Honey Pot.
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