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Mark Tullius, Michael Sage Ricci
Publisher: Vincere Press
Pages: 299

Your name is Lucky. Your entire life you have lived at the Inn at the base of the impenetrable Wizard's Tower. But now you're stuck inside the mysterious Tower, mercy to its puzzles, traps, creatures...and magic.The odds aren't in your favor, not much hope for a no-good have-nuthin half-Dwarf. Remember what Ol' Melkin taught you and use what smarts you got. Be careful who you trust and who you hate in this interactive novel because death isn't always the worst case.May your choices be wise, your heart true, and luck on your side to escape alive and victorious.Enter the Wizard's Tower. IF YOU DARE.MORE THAN TWO DOZEN WAYS TO DIE.JUST ONE CORRECT PATH.DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO SURVIVE?If you grew up reading Goosebumps ® or Choose Your Own Adventure ® stories, you’ll love this horror story! Find out why fans say, “I had a great time with the different decisions, even though I died a ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 24 ratings